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December 2012 Community Newsletter

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

11 de diciembre de 2012 21:42
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The Urantia Book Fellowship

Community Newsletter  December 2012

In This Issue
New Website Design
Book Store Sale
YaYA in Santa Cruz
Chilean Book Fair
Thank You from Nigeria
Expo in Indy
Quivering on the Brink

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Secretary General

Judicial Chair

Membership Chair

Interfaith Chair

Outreach Chair
Andrea Barnes 

International Chair
Buck Weimer

Education Chair
David Kulieke

Publications Chair
Linda Buselli

Finance Chair
John D. Hay

Youth and Young Adult Chair

General Council

Lara Amyx

Agustin Arellano

Andrea Barnes

Lawrence J. Bowman

Dana Bredemeyer

Robert Bruyn

Linda Buselli

Robert Burns

Barry Clark

Emilio Coppola

Lila Dogim

Stephen Dreier

Janet Falbo

Tony Finstad

Cece Forrester

Janet Graham

John Hales

John Hay

Tim Hobbs

Merritt Horn

Paul Klaver

Michelle Klemish

David Kulieke

Charlene Morrow

Dolores L. Nice

Charles Olivea

Teuvo Orjala

Thomas Orjala

Cristina Seaborn

Cayce Snider

Paula Thompson

Angie Thurston

Buck Weimer


Click Here to Link to "Friends of the Urantia Book Fellowship" Facebook Page. 

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The Fellowship Announces New Website


Very soon you will go to and see a brand new look and feel. Within the next few weeks the Fellowship will be launching our new website. Our new look was created by artist Gary Tonge of the UK and the fantastic new integrated functionality was designed in by award winning website designer, Sumiyo Amano.


Some of the site's new features include:


* An online book store featuring dozens of secondary and supportive works and study aids for The Urantia Book.


* Informative blogs on Urantia Book outreach, scholarship, research and inspiration.


* The best online Urantia Book search engine ever.


* Discussion Forums for Study Group Leaders, Fellowship Members.


* Easy access to fantastic Urantia Book exploration and study resources.


*A new layout designed to help you easily find what you need.


*Access to a vibrant and growing community of believers in the Urantia Book.


The Urantia Book Store



The Urantia Book - Hard Back: $14.97 The Urantia Book


The Urantia Book - Soft Back: $11.97

(All Uversa Press Urantia Books come with a comprehensive index and a free audio DVD of the entire book!)


The Urantia Book on Audio DVD: $3.95


The Paramony: Includes over 60,000 Bible/Urantia Book cross references: $10.95 (over 50 % off)


Select Jesus Papers on Audio, 7 CD Sets: $5.95 each or $15.00 for all three (that's 21 CDS)


The Deluxe Leather Urantia Book, with gold leaf and comprehensive index: $49.00 (50% off)


Simplification of the Forward by William Sadler Jr.: $4.00


Also, Circle Jewelry by Arley Grubb makes a great Urantian Christmas gift but order early; all pieces are created by hand and on demand.



YaYA in Santa Cruz

Below are two different links that will take you to Urantia Now where you can read about our gathering last month in Santa Cruz, CA.  


A huge plate of gratitude goes out to Claudia Ayers and Lee Smith for hosting this event at their beautiful home and for the leadership that came from our regional young adult hosts, Meredith Holland, Geoff Theiss and Liz Craig.  


Major kudos to Andrea Barnes for fulfilling her promise and making the journey out of Superstorm Sandy (where we hunkered down in New York together after our EC meeting) to fly across the country and lead the YaYA's in a public introduction of The Urantia Book on November 2nd.  


We continue to hear good reports from their time together where the members of the Youth and Young Adult committee had the opportunity to share in open and frank dialogue with the chair of the Outreach committee. Our committee desires to know more about how the Fellowship works and to have more interactions with the different standing committees. The success of the YaYA committee is in part defined by our ability to join the larger community of readers and to have the long time leaders of our Fellowship encourage and support this interactive process.  


In this same spirit, we look forward to hearing from Buck Weimer on the book fair in Chile where a young reader (Janelle - 23 years old) was able to join them on this hugely important international excursion. We'll post Janelle's report on Urantia Now soon. Thank you Buck - the International Fellowship Committee and the Northern Light Society of Alaska - for reaching out to our committee and for wanting to bring along the inexperience and the idealistic enthusiasm of a younger reader. Good will come from these inter-committee and society exchanges! 


YaYA SANTA CRUZ Conference Reports:


From Andrew Theiss  

From Teuvo Orjala 


Love and Holiday Greetings,

The Youth and Young Adult Committee:


Liz Craig

Geoff Theiss

Mae Thompson

Teuvo Orjala

Angie Thurston

Tony Finstad




The Chilean Book Fair Report 2012 

Follow Me - Sígueme


"To 'follow Jesus' means to personally share his religious faith and to enter into the spirit of the Master's life of unselfish service for man. One of the most important things in human living is to find out what Jesus believed, to discover his ideals, and to strive for the achievement of his exalted life purpose." [196:1.3](P. 2090)


From October 25th through November 11th a Team of dedicated and unselfish Urantia Book readers descended upon the 32nd Santiago International Book Fair; held at the Estación Mapocho Cultural Center; an old modernized train station.

Lissette Ascenjoa and Marcelo Galaz


There were so many first, biggest, longest, bests, etc. it will be difficult to mention them all. Let me start by saying this book fair was our first successful collaborative effort between the Urantia Foundation, the Urantia Association International (UAI), and the Urantia Book Fellowship. The Foundation provided half the expenses for the booth and the UAI provided Chilean readers to help staff the booth.


It was the longest book fair in which the IFC ever participated - 17 days - for a total of 161 hours of required booth staffing. But we had a truly remarkable Team functioning with good cheer, including: 

Flor Robles, Mexican, American living in Chile, and primary leader; Agustin Arellano, Mexico; Nelida Oliver, Ecuador; Lissette Carmen Mancill Ascenjoa, Chile; Marcelo Galaz, Chile, Husband/Wife; Daniel Octavio Espinoza Cruz, Chile; Pablo Alberto; Segovia Egas, Chile; Pradhana Fuchs, Chile; Jon De Toy, Chile, Colorado, USA; Joy Brandt, Oregon, USA, traveling throughout South America; Tim Hobbs, Colorado, USA; Lynda Tarufelli, Colorado, USA, Janelle Mazza, Neveda, USA (a YaYa girl); Buck Weimer, Colorado, USA.


Nelida Oliver, Tim Hobbs, Buck Weimer, Agustin Arellano, Lissette Ascenjoa, Janelle Mazza, Joy Brandt, and Marcelo Galaz

The booth was set up by the early arrivals, under the direction of Flor. The painting of Jesus titled "Follow Me" by Jon De Toy had a prominent position. (Later, the Spanish equivalent Sígueme was added to it.) Along with the El Libros, there were four secondary works on the shelves: (1) "Index de El Libro de Urantia" - Marcelina Ramirez; (2) "Lo Básico de El Libro de Urantia" - Mary Livingstone, translated by Agustin Arellano; (3) "Veintiún Pasos" - "21 Steps" by the Michael Foundation, translated by Angel F. Sánchez-Escobar; and (4) "Los Mundos Habitados" "The Inhabited Worlds" Paper 49 . We also displayed copies of The Urantia Book in Korean, German, English, Portuguese, and French; as well as several Jesus Timeline posters (Spanish), and the Jesusonian There is Life After Death (English).


Buck Weimer, Agustin Arellano, Janelle Mazza, Flor Robles, Tim Hobbs, and Joy Brandt

We also had plenty of giveaways. There were several variations on brochures - all of which had to be reprinted several times. And everyone loved the "Un Dios - Un Pueblo" "One God - One People" buttons we had (Thank you Charlene Morrow). Of course, the big thing was the handing out of Spiritual Vitamins. And, depending on whose estimate is accepted, we handed out more than 10,000 Vitamina Espirituals to inquisitive minds coming to our booth-which, fortunately, was located adjacent to the entertainment stage. We all learned the Spanish mantra: "Quieres una Vitamina Espiritual?" Then added the required: "Para leer." (For reading.); "No para comer." (Not to eat.) then added the humorous "No para fumar" (Not for smoking.).


Flor Robles & Agustin Arellano

We did not sell one book! Flor made a verbal agreement with the vendors of 3 other booths at the Fair that we would not sell the book because we would be selling them much cheaper than they could. So we acted as an advocate for the Revelation and simply referred potential buyers to the other booths. We have a picture showing the El Libro de Urantia showing prominently in the front window of one of the book stores stocking the book. The price shown on the book: 41,950 Pesos = round about US $87.00.


Agustin was amazing! One day he conversed with woman about The Urantia Book in French; on another day he communicated with a deaf Urantia Book reader (of about 3 years) using sign language; all the while, being a constant source of translation from Spanish to English.

But regardless of who or how many staffed the booth, there was a constant production of cutting, rolling, and taping Spiritual Vitamins; and the fun of handing them out.


We organized and conducted two conferences - both on the last day of the book fair. The earlier one was held in a meeting hall within the book fair building. And it was sparsely attended - around 15 readers and potential readers. But the second conference, held within the complex of our hotel several miles away, was attended by 45 or more people. The Chilean readers were cheered by this because the majority of this group was new readers - most of who had heard about the book at the Fair. Nina Bravo, a retired long-time reader, traveled a great distance to give an inspiring talk and fielded many questions.


A few words must be said about the YaYA involvement. Janelle Mazza, from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas who has attended a study group from the Sunrise Society of Nevada, was our first volunteer. She was financed by the generosity of the Northern Light Society's fund raising campaign designed for this purpose; and with some additional funds from Marvin Gawryn and Gard Jameson. It took a lot of courage for this young lady to leave the confines of her comfort zone and travel to Chile, South America without having actually met any of us - except via telephone and e-mails. But she jump right in, began learning Spanish, handed out Spiritual Vitamins, and joined us most mornings for the hotels' breakfasts. With the exception of one bad day (she lost her passport, we helped her get a temporary one, then she took a bus to the beach without telling anyone), I personally considered her behavior to be exemplary. Please view the video of the experiences on YouTube "Urantia Book Booth Santiago Chile International Book Fair". Janelle's written report is available upon request.


It is the hope of the IFC that we can continue - with your help and support - to add at least one YaYA person to our Team in 2013. The Manila, Philippine Book Fair would be ideal.


There are so many gifts of gratitude to go around:

  • To each and every Team member - especially Flor Robles;
  • To the Urantia Foundation - especially Mo Siegel;
  • To the Urantia International Association - especially Gaétan Charland;
  • To the Northern Light Society - especially Tony Finstad & Barbara Maier;
  • To the Urantia Fellowship - especially Lila Dogim;
  • To all our unseen spirit helpers from around the world;
  • To the entire International Fellowship Committee for their undying devotion.


This passion we have for getting this Revelation and the Gospel of Jesus to foreign lands is something difficult of description, but for those of us who have it we merely have to peer into each other's eyes and know that we know it is there - within.


In eternal gratitude,


Buck Weimer, Chair

International Fellowship Committee


"Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it." [196:1.3] (P. 2090)


A Thank You Note from Nigeria
By Abejunde Julius Taiwo


My fellow Urantia Brother Joann Wiedman,

I have gotten your package sent to me,

"Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion.

Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception.

Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude.

Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road."


I am thankful!, there is joy in my heart for knowing you!


May we love ever more.

May we motivate ourselves to committed love in Action.

May we motivate ourselves to live the life we wish to see in the world.

May we be the transformation we wish to see in the world.

From the inside out . . .

From the roots branching upwards . . .

From the heart

to thought

to word

to action.

Through life's trials and hardships Amen. I humbly request you to extend my special greetings to whomever you think.


Kindly See and comment on our Last Update of Urantia Group Study in my compound. Any thoughts?




For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves

God has a positive answer for it.


When you say - "It's impossible"

God says - "All things are possible" (Luke 18:27)


When you say - "I'm too tired"

God says - "I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28-30)


When you say - "Nobody really loves me"

God says - "I love you" (John 3:16 & John 13:34)


When you say - "I can't go on"

God says - "My grace is sufficient" (2 Cor. 12:9)

When you say - "I feel all alone"

God says - "I will never leave you or forsake you" (Heb. 13:5)


Happiness and joy are greatly misunderstood in this earth life. Consider these passages from The Urantia Book:


100:4.3 But the great problem of religious living consists in the task of unifying the soul powers of the personality by the dominance of LOVE. Health, mental efficiency, and happiness arise from the unification of physical systems, mind systems, and spirit systems. Of health and sanity man understands much, but of happiness he has truly realized very little. The highest happiness is indissolubly linked with spiritual progress. Spiritual growth yields lasting joy, peace which passes all understanding.


168:4.4 1. Prayer is an expression of the finite mind in an effort to approach the Infinite. The making of a prayer must, therefore, be limited by the knowledge, wisdom, and attributes of the finite; likewise must the answer be conditioned by the vision, aims, ideals, and prerogatives of the Infinite. There never can be observed an unbroken continuity of material phenomena between the making of a prayer and the reception of the full spiritual answer thereto.


168:4.5 2. When a prayer is apparently unanswered, the delay often betokens a better answer, although one which is for some good reason greatly delayed. When Jesus said that Lazarus's sickness was really not to the death, he had already been dead eleven hours. No sincere prayer is denied an answer except when the superior viewpoint of the spiritual world has devised a better answer, an answer which meets the petition of the spirit of man as contrasted with the prayer of the mere mind of man.


168:4.6 3. The prayers of time, when indited by the spirit and expressed in faith, are often so vast and all-encompassing that they can be answered only in eternity; the finite petition is sometimes so fraught with the grasp of the Infinite that the answer must long be postponed to await the creation of adequate capacity for receptivity; the prayer of faith may be so all-embracing that the answer can be received only on Paradise.


168:4.7 4. The answers to the prayer of the mortal mind are often of such a nature that they can be received and recognized only after that same praying mind has attained the immortal state. The prayer of the material being can many times be answered only when such an individual has progressed to the spirit level.


"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing

in the heavenly places in Christ,"

Ephesians 1:3.


We Always Count on Your Support!

In Loving Friendship,



Body, Mind, Spirit Expo Comes to Indianapolis


The weekend of November 10th and 11th was a busy one for Indiana readers working the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo at the Indiana state fairgrounds. It was not a particularly large Expo, but a highly entertaining one to attend and to work.


Traffic was light on Saturday, but heavier on Sunday. Many people stopped by the booth to talk about The Urantia Book, and 23 of them bought a copy. It was good to see many younger attendees

Thomas Orjala & Linda Buselli

buying a copy, and we gifted two copies to individuals we felt would benefit from having the book in their lives.


We handed out several mail-in cards for a free book. One of those went to an elderly man whose mother had read to him from the book when he was a child, but he no longer had a copy and now could not afford one. His mother must have had a first edition. He has already sent in his card and received his book.


The local group of readers benefited greatly by getting 26 names of people in the area who would be interested in being contacted with the list of Indiana study groups. An interesting fact emerged in this regard. Many of the people had read the book for years, and had not considered coming to a group meeting until that day at the fair. At least one of the people we met has already begun attending a local study group.


We were fortunate to have several local readers who worked the booth with Thomas Orjala during the Expo: Terri Denbo, Larry Blake, Mike Painter, Julie Hennessey, Dana Bredemeyer, and Bob and Linda Buselli.


The Expo was filled with colorful displays, and people searching for a meaningful spiritual experience. It was the first time the Indianapolis readers hosted an Expo, and we look forward to doing another in the future.

A New Mary Ebben Livingston Book

In 1994, Mary (Ebben) Livingston wrote one of the most widely used and popular introductions to The Urantia Book ever. She simply called it Urantia Book Basics. She initially wrote the book as a labor of love, to help her husband and children to get an overall sense of the teachings of the book. The book has also been translated into Spanish now and is hugely popular among Spanish speaking students of The Urantia Book. Although Urantia Book Basics is no longer in print, people still ask for it all the time.


Mary has now spent more than a decade rewriting her original book and has renamed it Quivering on the Brink. Quivering on the Brink condenses The Urantia Book into 186 pages, and now, this beloved Urantia Book study aid can be downloaded for FREE-not because it has no value, but because it is priceless!


To get your free downloadable copy of Quivering on the Brink, visit: and select "Seekers of Spiritual Truth" at the top. You will be asked to complete a survey before downloading your E-book. PLEASE do complete the short survey as it will help the folks at Tuscan Sky Publishing better know how to get the teachings of The Urantia Book out in an easier, condensed version. 

Happy Holidays from The Urantia Book Fellowship!
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